The words "root canal" are usually associated with pain and discomfort, and cause many of us to cringe when we hear of someone having one done, or when we are told that we need to have one. Of course we know and understand that the procedure is beneficial to our oral health, but the horror stories have already been told, and until we have a first hand experience, it will always be a dreaded procedure. So what exactly do we have to look forward to during a root canal?

Usually when the tooth has a small cavity, a filling may be all that is needed to restore the functionality of the tooth. However, there are times when the tooth is so badly decayed or infected, that the nerve of the tooth, and the pulp which is in the center of the tooth also becomes infected and/or damaged. This is when a root canal becomes necessary.
During the root canal, the pulp and the nerve are removed, and the inside of the tooth is then sealed and cleaned. Usually a crown is put on to protect the underlying tooth. Having a damaged nerve in the tooth alone does not suggest that a root canal is necessary. The nerve's only function is sensory - determining hot or cold. However, when the pulp and the nerve tissue become damaged, it breaks down and this causes bacteria to form in the pulp chamber. This can lead to one getting an abscessed tooth, and can eventually lead to swelling around the face and neck and severe toothache.
Here at Cherry Hill Dental Center, our goal is to try to do everything we can to save your natural teeth and avoid extractions. We are dedicated to doing everything we can to make this procedure as painless as possible. We know that people have genuine fears and we are here to provide you with as much information as possible to help ease those fears. Please feel free to come in and talk with Dr. Morof about the best options available for you.